© 2020 Death-Ray Design
Email: deathray.design@gmail.com
Graphic Design and Printing Service. The ideal source for retro and vintage enthusiasts, we specialize in logos, banners, flyers, postcards, custom t-shirts, brochures, signs, CD and vinyl packaging, and branding. Highly competitive pricing, and fast reliable service.
For lovers of: Tiki, eyeballs, robots, exploitation cinema, exotica, monsters, occult, horror, sci-fi, vintage design, creature features, oddities, hot rods, burlesque, skulls, goons, fiends, upright bass, weirdos, oddball, demons, lowbrow art, sideshow, flames, gothic, shrunken heads, psychobilly, sexploitation, rockabilly, Polynesia, kustom kulture, mid century modern, freakshow gaffs, and all strange, obscure, weird, unusual and long forgotten fringe culture of yesteryear.